jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Natalie is born

Hello people, after 30 hours in labor, baby Natalie is born.

Here´s what happened:


Around 7:45 am we went to the doctor´s office for a check up. Once there, the doctor noticed the amniotic fluid was at the minimum. And with 3 cm of dilatation, we were sent to the hospital.

I was driving on the freeway 10, about to take the Cloverfield exit, when all of the sudden, the car behind us, rear ended us. Unbelievable, in our way to the hospital !!! Thank God, the impact wasn't too strong and nothing happened to any of us

I left the scene of crime to drop Kathleen at the hospital, 20 minutes later I was back at the place of the accident filling up paper work with a police officer standing next to me who assured me that if I hadn't return to the place, they would've gone to the hospital, and even though it wasn't my fault I'm glad I went back.

Anyway, by the time I went back to the hospital, Kathleen had been admitted and laying on her bed. Everything was nice and dandy.

From 11 am to around 8 pm it was all good, small contractions, but not too much pain. I mean, we only had been in the hospital for 9 HOURS with no so many things going on.

Around 9 pm, Kathleen started to feel more contractions and a little bit more pain. I looked at her and said: "Mama, what does vacation mean?". She wanted to eat me alive.


Around 12:30 am, she´s really in pain, so she requested the "infallible" epidural. She was 5 cm dilated , 80% effaced and station -1 * , that only meant, we still had a long way to go.

From 2 am to 6 am I'm not sure what was going on, nurses coming and going, my sister in-law was on guard and I was trying to sleep. I slept for two and a half hours yeiiii!

6 am to 12 pm, she is dilating slowly but surely. My in-laws arrived around 3pm.

Around 3:30 pm the nurse come into the room to set all the instrumental, Kathleen is 10 cm dilated, 100% effaced and station +1 . She is ready to push.

For one hour and a half Kathleen is pushing like crazy and I'm totally freaked out because the baby won't come out. Finally, the doctor tells Kathleen, "The baby is coming out in the next contraction". This is it. One minute later, Natalie finds her way out; a new baby is born. At that point I have tears in my eyes.

* For those unfamiliar with the medical jargon, I suggest you to have a baby or just google the definitions, either way works fine.

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